Fallopian Tubal Blockage

Fallopian Tubal Blockage

Fallopian Tubal Blockage – Concept and Treatment

Fallopian tubal blockage is a significant factor in female infertility, as the normal functioning of the fallopian tube is crucial for the union of ovum and sperm, essential for natural conception.

Causes of Tubal Blockage

  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) and Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases (PID):
    Recent studies suggest these as common causes.
  • Congenital Abnormal Tubes
  • Endometriosis
  • Tubal Spasm
  • Polyps/Mucous Causing Obstruction
  • Injury to Fallopian Tube During Previous Surgeries
  • Peritubular Adhesions Due to Abdominal Tuberculosis

Diagnosis of Fallopian Tube Obstruction

  • Hysterosalpingography (HSG):
    Common test for identifying tubal blockage.
  • Dilatation and Insufflation Test (DI)
  • Hysterosalpingo-contrast Sonography (HyCoSy)
  • Laparoscopy and Chromopertubation
  • Falloscopy

Ayurveda Treatment

In Ayurveda, tubal blockage is considered as Artva-bijavaha Srothorodha (Obstruction in the passage of sperm and ovum). Uttarabasti, a unique Ayurvedic therapy, involves the insertion of sterilized medicated soil into the uterine cavity. This procedure breaks down the blockage formed in the tubes. The combination of intrauterine medicine instillation, Panchakarma therapy, and oral medications effectively treats tubal blockage, increasing the chances of natural conception.

Conventional Treatment of Tubal Infertility

  • Tuboplasty (Tubal Microsurgery):
    Recommended for young women with tubal blockage and prior tubal sterilization.
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF):
    Advised for women in whom tuboplasty has failed and who have extensive and severe tubal damage.

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