A-Z Womens Disease

Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cyst: Causes, Symptoms, Types, Evaluation, and Ayurvedic Management Introduction Ovaries, the almond-sized reproductive glands, play a crucial role in ovum production and menstrual cycles. Ovarian cysts, sacs filled with fluid, can form on or in the ovaries, varying in size and type. Understanding their symptoms, types, evaluation, and Ayurvedic management is essential for comprehensive […]

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Pre Menstrual Syndrome

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) is characterized by distressing psychological, physical, and behavioral symptoms occurring during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. It is a combination of emotional, physical, and psychological disturbances typically after ovulation and before menstruation. Ayurvedic Perspective of Pre Menstrual Syndrome PMS can be correlated with the vitiation of Pitta and Vata

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Painful Sex

Painful Sex (Dyspareunia)

Painful sex, known as dyspareunia, can arise from various factors, encompassing both physical and psychological aspects. This condition, characterized by persistent or recurrent genital pain before, during, or after intercourse, affects a significant number of individuals globally (World Health Organization, 2006).1 Symptoms If you’re experiencing dyspareunia, you may encounter: Causes of Painful Sex 2 Emotional

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Definition The presence of functioning endometrium outside the uterine mucosa is termed Endometriosis. Common sites include the ovaries, cul-de-sac (including uterosacral ligaments), peritoneum over the bladder, sigmoid colon, back of the uterus, intestinal coils, and appendix. Symptoms of Endometriosis Clinical symptoms encompass nausea, vomiting, bloating, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, dysuria, dyschezia, lower abdominal pain, menorrhagia, irregular bleeding,

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Uterine fibroid


WHAT IS Uterine Fibroid? Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas or myomas. They are non-cancerous growths of the uterus, can be inside, middle muscle layers or outside. The exact cause of uterine fibroids is not well understood, but hormonal factors, particularly estrogen and progesterone, seem to play a role in their development. Genetic factors, ethnicity,

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Introduction Amenorrhea is a condition characterized by the absence of menstrual periods in women of reproductive age. It can be a result of various factors, including hormonal imbalances, stress, excessive exercise, and certain medical conditions. While conventional medicine offers treatment options, Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, provides holistic approaches to address the root

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